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Insurance-101 for Young Professionals

…a term most millennials are familiar with. Most have embarked on many ‘adulting’ things…such as paying student loans, paying rent/mortgage for a place to live in, starting a family, etc. All these major milestones in millennials’ lives, significantly increase their financial risks and responsibility in life. Hence, it becomes crucial to have a financial security net in place. And Insurance is exactly that - it is a financial risk management tool....

July 1, 2021

Three Reasons why Insurance Companies don’t pay Claims

Let’s discuss everyone’s fear when it comes to buying Insurance ---> “The insurance companies will find any excuse not to pay claims”.This fear mostly surfaces from media portrayal of Insurance companies being the big bad bullies. In 2017, $1.33 BILLION were paid out in claims from Life Insurance products. I’m not here to defend Insurance companies, but to provide you with some middle ground with some education to shed light on this topic. Whenever you hear a story in the ...

June 21, 2019

Four Reasons why you should get Life Insurance while you’re young

Insurance is a grudge purchase – we don’t want to pay for it, but we need it. Unfortunately, when we are young, we don’t really anticipate the realities of a calamity happening. This could be in the form of a sudden death of a loved one or you could fall critically ill. Death, disability and illness are not tangible items like your car, house or possessions. As a result, we don’t want to pay cover for a misfortune that we can’t physically see or envision. However, the reality is that n...

May 17, 2019 Posts 26-28 of 28 | Page prev

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